It was one of the most active nomination rounds ever, with a few sock brands running away from the pack. But now, it’s time to pick your favorite. Check out the five nominees below, and then vote for whichever one you’d trust to protect your feet.
Any sock that Bombas makes. (for this they want a specific, so the Calf sock will stay above your calf even if they are massive). I thought it was outrageous the price, until I started wearing them and wear after wear they are soft, cushioning and comfortable. - flyinfalcon
Got my first pair of Bombas in a Birchbox (Man) and have been a loyal customer since. They are pricey, but they’re the BEST. Also, if you register and add items to your cart and leave the page, they usually send a 20% discount email after about 24 hours. - stulgs
Darn Tough
Darn Tough makes my favorite sock and include a lifetime warranty. I have one of almost every style. They’re great for everyday use and extreme uses, dry quickly, and have all the other advanced features of almost every other sock, so buy a few pairs and never buy socks again. - EBTenor
This is the only answer - their entire product line is great. They somehow retain their shape even after washing, and wear very evenly. Darn Tough for life! Seriously, I used to be a smartwool fan and have completely switched. They are a bit pricey, but sometimes on sale at REI. Also for some reason some of the women’s socks are often cheaper than the men’s equivalent, and I buy those and just rock the sweet pastel patterns. - dieselectric
Don’t forget, of the socks mentioned so far, Darn Tough is the only brand using Marino Wool as the primary fiber. It has great thermal properties in both summer and winter, is wicking, quick-drying and is naturally odor resistant. Absolutely the best sock for hiking, camping, or traveling. - incognitum
Gold Toe
First of all, these socks are cheap. $20 for a six pack of socks at JC Penny, assuming you cannot find them on sale. Second, these socks are tight along the toes and up along the leg without being binding or so tight that you can feel them. These socks are so comfortable they are I only buy Gold Toe socks, including a couple packs of black Athletic Quarter socks for when I’m wearing shorts. - Hunter Red
I used to buy whatever socks were on sale until the time the socks on sale were Gold Toe. I will not wear other socks now.
They are comfortable, strike the balance between too thick and too thin better than most, and they last forever. - gu_obos
SmartWool, Men’s PhD Cycle Ultra Light Mini Socks.
Why? Because Merino wool wicks moisture from the skin, holds its shape better, dries out faster, it doesn’t retain shtank anywhere near as much as cotton or synthetics, and it wears like iron. You can actually wear them all day, take them off and air them out for a couple of hours, and then put them back on again and keep going. SmartWool PhDs have the added bonus of having no detectable seams. They cost $15, but I rather pay $45 for three pairs of these than $15 for 5 pairs of anything else. - Mash_Tun
These socks are the best worst thing to happen to me. I can’t wear other socks but that doesn’t matter because these are absolutly amazing for work and leisure and you do not need other socks. Which is why I have ~20 pair of various colors and paddings. - wickedChacoTans
Sorry, but you are all wrong. You need Icebreaker socks. They are wool, but they are Merino wool.
I have it on good authority (meaning I read it on teh internets somewhere) that Merino sheep lounge around on cotton balls and clouds all day. This stuff doesn’t itch, doesn’t stink (even after wearing it several days in a row) and doesn’t ever get sweated out. You know that funky feeling you get when you had to run to the other side of the complex or get outside during a Texas Summer day and you could wring the sweat out of your socks. Not ever. -bullschuck