Up to 33% Off SpaceSaver 6-Packs | Amazon
You’ve got stuff. A lot of stuff. Out-of-season holiday stuff. And you want to get rid of it immediately. Enter: SpaceSaver 6-Pack Bags, now up to 33% off on Amazon. Offered in small, medium, large, and jumbo, the vacuum storage bags are designed to safely store your shenanigans at about 20% of the space you’d normally need for them in closets, under beds, etc. The bags’ unique design includes a double-zip seal and triple-seal turbo valve, both of which sound made-up. However, they mean you can actually get every square inch of air out of the bags with the coordinating pump (included). So go ahead, take all your extra clutter and shove it. Into one of these space-saving storage bags, that is.