Up to 38% Off Canon Cameras & Accessories | Amazon
Maybe you’ve been waiting for a sale to pick up some new camera gear, or perhaps you’ve always been photo-curious and have waited for a nice sale to start playing around with cameras. Whatever the case, Amazon’s got a tidy little collection of lenses, cameras, lights, and accessories kits on sale right now, and while the discounts on the cameras themselves may not be insane (I mean, hey, $200 is $200), there are some nice lens discounts here, like this 23%-off Canon EF-S 10-22mm USM SLR lens, which normally retails for $649, but has been dropped to $499! Got the shakes? The lil’ tripod in this Canon EOS M50 Mark II Content Creator Kit will help you with that for a cool hundo off, pal, and it’s even got a microphone with a fuzzy, Tribble-like wind filter so you can get crisp audio for your TikToks!