Stop Waking Up Late and Grab Two Wireless Chargers With LED Clocks for $29

Wireless Charging Pad + Clock (2-Pack) | $29 | SideDeal

I can’t be the only one who uses his smartphone as an alarm clock, but somehow forgets to throw it on the charger after a long day. I know you’re out there, you who slobber all night in your lovely slumber expecting to wake up on time for work, only to look frantically for the phone because you’ve probably slept like a baby right through your morning routine hour.

But guess what? The phone is dead! So now, you have to wait half an hour to get that first one percent of juice that’ll allow you to power the thing on, only to then find out that you actually have another couple of hours before you have to wake up. Whew! A two-pack of 10W wireless charging pads for $29 at SideDeal seems like the perfect remedy. And guess what? They have clocks on them!

This deal was originally published in July 2020 and updated with new information on 8/13/2020.