In trawling through old Lifehacker Editorial to include in our future Kitchen Gear Guide, I came across this. Holy crap there are devices for making your own soy milk.
The Soyajoy G4 takes soy beans you’ve soaked for 8 hours (you can put in dry beans but don’t), and turns them into soy milk in about 25 minutes. Operation consists of a single button press, though most people will want to strain out the soy pulp or “okara” once the batch is ready.
The Soyajoy is essentially an immersion blender attached to a pot of hot water, but this is a single multi-use appliance worth owning (what is porridge anyway?). Masochists can also get the same result using the nutmilk bag option in the Lifehacker post above.
I use Bob’s Red Mill Organic Soy Beans. They are non-GMO, and taste the same as the other popular natural brand, Laura Beans. You can save more on them using Amazon’s Subscribe and Save plan.
Using Trader Joe’s Organic Unsweetened Soy Milk as a price comparison, I save $3.88/gallon on soy milk, which adds up very quickly when you’re addicted to coffee milk.