Xbox Series S – Gilded Hunter Bundle | $270 | Amazon
The Xbox Series X remains hard to come by, but the Series S is still popping up every so often. Right now you can get a special Fortnite / Rocket League / Fall Guys bundle for less than the console normally goes for alone. You might be asking yourself, “What use is a deal that’s bundled with three free games?” Good question. Since the games are free, this bundle instead includes a special set of cosmetics. Each “Gilded Hunter” pack also comes with in-game currency for each of the games. You’ll be getting 1,000 V-Bucks, 1,000 Rocket League Credits, and 1,000 Show-Bucks to be spent on in-game items. That totals roughly to $30 of digital currency plus the cosmetics that come in the bundle too. And you can get it for $30 less than the standard Xbox Series S. It’s a no-brainer.