Save 20% on Le Creuset's Stainless Steel Measuring Cups and Spoons

Le Creuset Stainless Steel Measuring Spoons | $16 | Amazon
Le Creuset Stainless Steel Measuring Cups | $36 | Amazon

It’s easy to gain weight when you’re always at home, so it’s worth finding little life hacks to counteract our loss of daily activity. If you’re one of those cookers who use the eyeball test to prepare food and likes to drizzle a little more oil or sprinkle a bit more salt than usual, measuring cups can help you reel it in. Le Creuset’s stainless steel sets are 20% off at Amazon, including a set of five spoons ranging from 1/8-teaspoon to a tablespoon for $16, plus $36 for a four-piece set of cups ranging from a quarter cup all the way to a full one. The metal is heavy, durable, and dishwasher safe, and your kitchen tools will present a lot better than plastic ever could..