Recover from Your Workout With These Discounted TriggerPoint Massage Products

TriggerPoint Gold Box | Amazon
TriggerPoint Gold Box | Amazon
Graphic: Tercius Bufete

TriggerPoint Gold Box | Amazon

If you’re one of the millions of people who want to get fit for the New Year, you’ll probably want to invest in one of these discounted TriggerPoint massage products. Roll away your aches and paints with a brand new foam roller or massage ball, starting at just $8.

These are some of the lowest prices we’ve ever seen, thanks to the Gold Box discount. Better still, they come with instructional videos just in case, you’re like me, and these look totally foreign to you.

Just remember, this is a Gold Box deal. This means that these markdowns will only be available until the end of the day, or until sold out. So get yours and maximize your recovery.