Put Your Head on These Tommy Bahama Pillows for $15 Off

These hypoallergenic, down-alternative filled pillows claim island soft fabric, and who are we to argue?

Tommy Bahama Ultra Comfort 2-Pack Pillows | $35 | Amazon
Tommy Bahama Ultra Comfort 2-Pack Pillows | $35 | Amazon
Graphic: Wes Davis

Tommy Bahama Ultra Comfort 2-Pack Pillows | $35 | Amazon

Your head deserves a nice, soft place to be, and these on-sale Tommy Bahama pillows are probably a significant upgrade over that weird, lumpy, yellowed pillow that may actually be older than you. I know you’ve been sleeping on it forever, but listen, it’s seriously time to retire it, and what better way than a nice, fluffy, down-alternative-filled, hypoallergenic pillow? Oh, I know, the better way is a 2-pack of said pillows, so you can put your head on one and squeeze the other one. So comforting!