Prepd Cheat Sheets Are Here to Save You Time and Energy Cooking at Home

Prepd Cheat Sheets | $39 | Kickstarter
Prepd Cheat Sheets | $39 | Kickstarter
Image: Prepd

Prepd Cheat Sheets | $39 | Kickstarter

Having your food touch is gross, or so I’ve heard. Well, I’ve got a solution for you—Prepd Cheat Sheets. They’re made of silicone, so they can take the heat of your oven, and fit perfectly on any large cookie sheet.

I used them mainly to heat up leftovers because it had the right variety of food for the separators. Chicken and broccoli in one section, spare ribs in the second, and lo-mein in the third. They all cooked perfectly and there wasn’t any broccoli juice on the spare ribs, which I appreciated. The versatility of being able to take out one type of food when it’s done and leaving in others really saves you time and effort in prepping a meal for the whole family.

Prepd Cheat Sheets | $39 | Kickbooster
Gif: Kickbooster

While I used them for basic cooking, they’re great for any novice who wants to try out new ways of cooking. For instance, I recently made three salmon steaks for my family since I’m cooking more in these ... quarantine times. Usually, I would wrap foil around them to hold in the olive oil, various spices, and pieces of dill so they wouldn’t spill onto my cookie sheet, but none of that was an issue with the Cheat Sheets.


The salmon came out magnificent, and not dry at all after a half-hour in the oven at about 350 degrees. But what I was really impressed about was that the sheets were so damn easy to clean. A quick rinse in the sink with soap and water truly did the trick. That’s a big deal because I HATE to do dishes, even if I appreciate a clean and organized kitchen. Also! If you hate doing dishes by hand, they’re absolutely safe to pop ‘em in the dishwasher which is groundbreaking in terms of lazy cooks.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab these dividers today and upgrade your cooking game ASAP!
