Pick Up This $17 Electric Kettle and Show The British You Know How to Make Tea

Mealthy 1.7L Electric Glass & Stainless Steel Kettle | $17 | Side Deal
Mealthy 1.7L Electric Glass & Stainless Steel Kettle | $17 | Side Deal
Graphic: Elizabeth Henges

Mealthy 1.7L Electric Glass & Stainless Steel Kettle | $17 | Side Deal

What, you heat your water in the MICROWAVE!? You don’t want the people across the pond LAUGHING at you, do you!? For shame. Instead of embarrassing all of America, grab an electric kettle from Side Deal for just $17. It boils water, and it’s clear so you can correctly measure said water. Never boil too much or too little again.

Take that, Britain! Or something. Act fast, though, as this deal only lasts until the end of the day, or until they sell out. Come on, it’s so cheap, and you can show up people in the UK. Win-win.