Organize Your Way Into the New Year With the Get Stuff Done Productivity Planner for $20 Today

To hell with that old, stringent planner that never quite fits your style. It's time for a planner upgrade.

Get Stuff Done Productivity Planner | $20 | Amazon| Clip Coupon
Get Stuff Done Productivity Planner | $20 | Amazon| Clip Coupon
Image: Zoë Hannah

Get Stuff Done Productivity Planner | $20 | Amazon| Clip Coupon

Ready to girl boss your way to the gate keep? Is this what the kids are saying? Whatever—the point is, this productivity planner is absolutely going to help you get your stuff in order. Head into the new year with a fresh new way to organize your calendar, tasks, thoughts, goals, and habits. This planner is basically a super bullet journal, with undated calendars so you can live the same day as many times as you want and lots of helpful templates to track all your healthy new habits. I used a habit tracker to stop smoking cigarettes, and let me tell you, your bad habits really stare you in the face when you can see all those squares filled in for days in a row. In all seriousness, you can’t expect to reach your goals if you don’t write them down and set up a way to track them, and this planner is a great place to start. It’s $20 at Amazon today, and that includes lots of productivity hacks crafted by the Get Stuff Done team.