Nioh 2: Special Edition (PS4) | $44 | Amazon
Nioh 2 (PS4) | $30 | Amazon
Team Ninja has another banger in Nioh 2, the souls-like action RPG that only knows PS4 as its home. If you’ve exhausted your backlog and looking for something new to play, you can pick the special edition up at Amazon right now for $36 off, or a final total of $44. The standard copy is also on sale for $30.
The special edition comes with a few extra niceties for the few extra dollars they’re requiring, including a steelbook case, an art book, and the season pass that’ll presumably put you in line for all the DLC that release down the road.
Here’s how Heather Alexandra at Kotaku starts off in her long evaluative look at Nioh 2:
The Dark Souls formula is tried and true. It’s been adapted into science fiction settings, placed into 2D, and refined time and time again. 2017’s Nioh is arguably the most successful spin on the genre, adding flashy combat and the turbulent politics of medieval Japan. Nioh 2 is an improvement on every front. There’s no other way of saying it: I’ve never played a game where fighting feels as good as this.
Sold? Buy.
This deal was originally published by Quentyn Kennemer on 4/23/2020 and updated with new information on 7/13/2020.