NYC has two seasons: summer and winter. And while it’s pretty self-explanatory what you need to survive the cold,…
For years, I had reconciled with the fact that I would always have chapped lips. I’m an avid biter/picker of the…
“Festival” makeup is sort of like holiday makeup, where it’s mostly the same shit you can get all year, but packaged…
I’m not the biggest fan of mud masks for two main reasons: they usually smell horrible, and they dry the fuck outta…

Hello, nice to see you on this glorious day. If you were looking for a makeup news peg that didn’t involve how to…
It feels like a natural progression for Target, but the addition of eight new beauty brands, most of which cater to…
I’ve tried a lot of eye care solutions over the past two years, but it took the power of the sea to stem the tide of…
Look, Tom Ford perfume is expensive, but this $310 1.7oz bottle of perfume called Fucking Fabulous is…

Sometimes, brands listen to their consumers about their concerns. Frank Body did just that, by taking their insanely…
When Rihanna and Fenty get together, the world awaits with bated breath. Their new body luminizer, Body Lava, is no…
Don’t just drink your vitamin C, slap it on your face and call it a day with Ole Henriksen’s newest power-packed…
There are an infinite number of hair styling products out there, and to further complicate matters, designations…
With the rise of the one-and-done multi-stick, the time you have to spend in front of a mirror has reached an…
Tinted lip balm isn’t hip or modern or cool, but Love + Sage contracted a healthy dose of a color from Pantone’s…

Having conquered your facial hair with efficiency and ease, Philips is headed downstairs to help you tame everything…
The worst thing you can do for your skin is not take care of it at night. Whether that’s forgetting to remove your…
There is nothing more annoying than falling in love with a face mask and then ruining it by plunging your fingers…
Depending on who you ask, subscriptions are either the new normal, or they hit their saturation point 18 months ago.…
Regardless of what Glossier’s Oscar product placements for Lidstar might lead you to believe, cream eye shadows in a…
As the joke goes, you never leave Target with only the thing you came for and the fact that they just added over 150…