Humble Heroines Holiday Encore: Women Take Center Stage at Humble Bundle

Get nine games and support the Girls Who Code charity this holiday.

A return to heroic holiday adventures.
A return to heroic holiday adventures.
Graphic: Riley Blackwell

Take control this holiday with warriors, dreamers, and god slayers in a captivating bundle again with nine new games. Humble Bundle has combined the feminine power of adventure in a returning Humble Heroines bundle with charity donations to Girls Who Code and Girls Make Games Scholarship Fund. Quantities are highly limited, and this bundle won’t return when supplies run out. As always, Humble Bundle prices are pay what you want but you must pay at least $15 to receive the games. You’ll confront corruption in games like Control: Ultimate Edition, travel through icy worlds in Praey for the Gods and play through Sable, Dreamscaper, and more this holiday season.

Humble Heroines Holiday Bundle | Humble Bundle

Each game in the Humble Bundle Humble Heroines edition is for Steam games on Windows, so if you’re gifting this bundle, make sure to check your system first. The entire bundle is worth $234, a massive value when exploring the incredible games, which leaves plenty of room for an extra donation to Girls Who Code and Girls Make Games Scholarship Fund to bring them some joy this holiday too.
