Our cottagecore fantasy has to start small. Perhaps you live in an apartment instead of a spacious, desolate farm in magical New England (New England but with unicorns). That fantasy (which, of course, includes fresh herbs) doesn’t have to screech to a halt when you enter your 200 sq ft space, because the AeroGarden Harvest is on sale at Amazon for 70% off — just $50 instead of the usual $165.
AeroGarden Harvest with Gourmet Herbs Seed Pod Kit | $50 | Amazon
This little vessel fosters herbs’ growth with a 25W LED grow light. The simple interface lets you know when to feed and water them. You don’t even need to drag soil into your house—the AeroGarden is hydroponic. And the included seeds are herbs to spark your kitchen ambitions. Thai basil, dill, and mint will sprout in just a few weeks’ time. You may not own a small farm like in your Stardew Valley game, but hey, you grew these herbs yourself!
This deal was originally published by Erin O’Brien on 1/25/23 and updated with new information by Se Jeong Bae on 5/2/23 and 6/14/23 and 7/11/23 and 7/13/23, and by Mike Fazioli on 8/30/23, and by Se Jeong Bae on 9/20/23.