Grab Over $284 Worth of Games for Just $12 and Keep Forever With Humble Bundle

Get 95% off great bundles of PC games with new releases every month.

Image for article titled Grab Over $284 Worth of Games for Just $12 and Keep Forever With Humble Bundle
Graphic: Joe Tilleli

Humble Bundle has been around for a long while as a great way for gamers to save on some big hits or obscure gems. If you become a member, you’ll get access to a ton of games every month. And it’s not the Netflix or Game Pass model. You don’t lose access if you decide to unsubscribe. Those games are yours forever. This month includes the following:

  • Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin - Ultimate Edition (MSRP: $74.99)
  • Nioh 2 Complete Edition (MSRP: $50)
  • Saint Row 5 (MSRP: $30)
  • Citizen Sleeper (MSRP: $19.99)
  • Black Skylands (MSRP: $19.99)
  • Soulstice (MSRP: $39.99)
  • Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (MSRP: $30)
  • Fashion Police (MSRP: $19.99)

For just $12, you’ll get this whole long list of games at Humble Bundle. And next month for $12, you’ll get a whole new set of games on top of what you got this month. And so on and so forth. As a member, you’ll also be able to save 20% on thousands of different games in the Humble Store as well as some deeper discounts and offers as they come up. 5% of your purchase goes to charity and you can skip a month or cancel anytime.
