Marvel Must Have Sale | ComiXology
Sometimes ComiXology’s massive sales can be overwhelming, so let’s look at a smaller sale for a change! This weekend is the Marvel Must Have Sale, a collection of ten comics from recent Marvel arcs that are $1 a piece. You can grab everything in this sale for just $10!
The comics ComiXology thinks are must-haves come from three comic arcs:
- Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes (1-3), part of the Gamerverse line... whatever that is
- Star (1-3), who seems to be a foil for the extremely powerful Captain Marvel
- Hawkeye: Freefall (1-4), which... I don’t know how this is different from a typical Hawkeye plot but it’s here
Of course, these aren’t the typical Marvel superheroes that tend to get a lot of focus... that’s why these are must-haves! Well, I guess everyone knows Spider-Man, but Black Cat isn’t really a common villain so it works out.
You have until Tuesday to take advantage of this sale. At $10 for the whole lot, why not?