Gllysion Professional HD Binoculars | $139 | Amazon | Clip Coupon
I hate birds, so the concept of birdwatching eludes me. But I do understand stargazing, Hitchcock film paranoia, and gadgets that can adapt to your phone. Enter Gllysion Professional HD Binoculars, which are 68% off at Amazon. They’re already marked down to $149 from $350, but clipping the coupon on the page will save you an additional $10 on this high-powered pair. Lightweight and waterproof, these HD binoculars are ideal for just about any weather, and their ergonomic design makes them easy to use one-handed when exploring. On top of that: The universal smart phone adapter (that means no iPhone vs. Android fights here, people) makes it a snap (snare drum) to photograph what you’re seeing. This not only makes it easier to stay in the moment, but will prove to Ralph in your birdwatching circle that you did, in fact, see that one thing.