Give Back to Local Businesses Now, and Get $10 Back From Amazon on Prime Day

Shop Small Business, Get $10 Back | Amazon
Shop Small Business, Get $10 Back | Amazon
Image: Amazon

Shop Small Business, Get $10 Back | Amazon

Money’s tight for a lot of us right now, and many of us are trying to be mindful of where we spend our money. For some, that means taking more of your money offline and putting it into your local shops. It’s the right move, a lot of stores are struggling right now and need our help. Unfortunately, even if you’d like to pull away from online shopping entirely, it’s not always feasible when you need an uncommon item in a pinch. For those moments, or if you’re too far out to make it into your nearest local shops but still want to help, Amazon will give you $10 to spend on Prime Day for every $10 you spend at select small businesses. The credits are only available for the duration of Prime Day, but you can start racking them up now.

If going into your local stores isn’t an option and they don’t offer delivery, there’s a solid selection of goods to get you started. If your pups need some tasty treats, there’s plenty of pet supplies available, or perhaps try out some new products in your skincare routine.