Charter Club Cozy Plush Wrap Throw | $20 | Macy’s
It’s that time of year where going room to room feels next to impossible, let alone leaving the house for any reason. What is the weather doing? Will it ever be Proper Spring? I’m about to make it a lot easier for you, though: The Charter Club Cozy Plush Wrap Throw is just $20 at Macy’s. It’s an item created exclusively for the store, and just to really break it down, yes. This is a wearable blanket. Not a Snuggie, either; this is legit a blanket-slash-jacket with sleeves and front pockets. Oh, and they’re $50 at full price, so you can grab two of these depression gowns nice blankets for less than what you’d normally pay for one. Warm, and fuzzy, and wonderful, there’s no doubt that this will be worn by someone to the point that requires medical intervention. I happen to like the Wildflower pattern.
This story was originally published by Sophy Ziss on 4/21/22 and updated with new information on 5/5/22.