Buttermilk Protein Pancake Mix | $8 | Flourish Pancakes | Promo Code INV15
Oh, the joyous scent, texture, and flavor of a tower of fresh, fluffy pancakes. Topped with a pad of quickly-melting butter. Bottle of real maple syrup waiting to power your morning cardio warm-up before the protein and carbs kick in and give you the lift you need to haul weight around, tearing the fibers of your musculature, that it will only build itself back better, stronger than before. You should be so lucky. Scratch that; you are so lucky, friend, thanks to our exclusive deal on this Flourish Pancakes buttermilk protein pancake mix! Go on and toss in our super secret promo code INV15 at checkout and enjoy this pancake and waffle mix, each serving of which is loaded with 23 grams of protein and 7 grams of poop-shootin’ fiber. Made with milled flaxseed, its got your omegas 3, net 37 grams of carbs, and zero added sugar—because you don’t need your carbs cheaply jacked.
So I don’t know why you’re still here with me. The sun is rising, friend, and all you’ve lifted is your phone. Wipe the sleep from your eyes, buy some pancakes mix, and get pumped.