If you shop regularly at Best Buy, you could be getting more out of the experience. Multiple perks and benefits await thanks to the store’s membership program. Designed to meet more of your needs as a customer, My Best Buy gives you special perks and exclusive deals in exchange for a fee. The first tier, which comes with free standard shipping, costs nothing — but if you want more benefits, you can pay either $50 or $180 per year for services like extended return windows, 24/7 tech support, and product protection plans. Buying tons of stuff at Best Buy pretty often? It could pay to upgrade your subscription!
My Best Buy sign-up page | Prices range from free to $180/year | Best Buy
My Best Buy exclusive member offers page | Special savings | Best Buy
This is a perfect model for people who take their technology purchases seriously. And the exclusive deals are nothing to sniff at. We’re talking great savings across Best Buy’s whole product range, including items from name brands like Apple, Microsoft, HP, and Samsung. Check out the special discounts and then head over to the My Best Buy page to sign up now.
Originally written by Elise Caplan on 7/6/23 and updated with new information by Miranda Martin on 8/15/23 and Brittany Vincent on 9/13/23.