Forget Your Mask? Don't Worry About It With $3 Disposable Mask Packs

WeCare Disposable Masks With Elastic Earloops- 5 Pack | $3 | DailySteals | Use code KJWCR
WeCare Disposable Masks With Elastic Earloops- 5 Pack | $3 | DailySteals | Use code KJWCR
Graphic: Elizabeth Henges

WeCare Disposable Masks With Elastic Earloops- 5 Pack | $3 | DailySteals | Use code KJWCR

Look, forgetting your mask every once and a while is understandable, but that doesn’t mean you can just not wear one. Save yourself from having to go all the way home by stashing packs of disposable masks in useful locations, like the car or your bag. DailySteals has a five pack of these masks for the super low price of $3 if you use the code KJWCR at checkout. You can pick up a bunch of these packs and stash them anywhere you think you need them! A small price to pay to keep yourself and others safe.