Discover All Your Partner's Secrets (In, Like, A Healthy Way) with the Intimacy Deck for $20

A $20 bill ain't much to save your entire relationship. (Happiness not guaranteed.)

The Intimacy Deck | $20 | BestSelf Co. | Promo Code DateNight
The Intimacy Deck | $20 | BestSelf Co. | Promo Code DateNight
Image: Zoë Hannah

The Intimacy Deck | $20 | BestSelf Co. | Promo Code DateNight

Do you ever run out of things to talk about with your partner? Maybe you’ve been dating for almost a decade, like my boyfriend and I, or perhaps you’re just hitting the post-honeymoon phase in a newer relationship. No matter where you’re at in your relationship, it can be hard to start conversations about deeper topics, especially when you struggle with vulnerability. With the Intimacy Deck by BestSelf Co., you get 150 prompts that’ll help you and your honey get into those deep conversations that keep you up ‘til 3 a.m. You know, the we’re-in-love-so-time-doesn’t-exist types of convos. Answer questions like “How do you describe me to other people?” and “Describe something that turns you on, which you haven’t shared with me.” And if this all sounds a bit hokey to you, ask your partner that second question sometime and see how you feel after that *winks*. Take 20% off this relationship game-changer today.