Detangle Without Tears With a Crave Naturals Detangling Brush

This puppy works on wet and dry hair, and it's super easy to clean out.

Crave Naturals Flex Detangling Brush | $10 | Amazon
Crave Naturals Flex Detangling Brush | $10 | Amazon
Image: Zoë Hannah

Crave Naturals Flex Detangling Brush | $10 | Amazon

Whether you like square or round hairbrushes, Crave Naturals has you covered. These detangling brushes are made with super flexible bristles designed to gently work through knots without yanking out big chunks of hair. My boyfriend and I both have long, thick hair, and we use these brushes so that our bathroom floor isn’t constantly covered in masses of fallen hair. Even for curly folks, these hairbrushes won’t mess up your curl pattern whether you’re brushing wet or dry. Take $5 off at Amazon today.