Multi-Pack Sweet Defeat Last-of-the Anti-Sugar Bundles | $9 | Meh
Trying to curb your sugar addiction? It can seem impossible, that’s for sure. That’s where Sweet Defeat Anti-Sugar Gum and Spray comes in. You can snag a multi-pack of this wonder spray for just $9, which is normally $78 at storefronts like Amazon. Sweet Defeat products work to make sweet things like candies or cake taste absolutely disgusting. If you have difficulty putting down the snacks, this might help you kick the stuff for good. Of course, you’ll have to keep spraying your tongue and chewing the gum if you want the effect to last, as this obviously isn’t permanent (thank goodness.) And it might not be the answer you’re looking for. But if you’re curious, this is definitely the cheapest you’re going to find this assortment, so it’s worth a try.