Buy Committee, our favorite deal researcher and jack-of-all-trades, Corey, needs your help.
Almighty squad! I’m finally considering a mirrorless camera for myself even though it may very well cause a rift in my marriage. (The reason it may cause a rift is because Lana shoots medium format and DSLR.)
As always, I want something dirt cheap with a ton of features. If you have opinions, I want ‘em. This is going to be a lark camera for me.I’m currently looking at an Olympus because of price. But I would love to have a Sony. The a6300 could work, but I need a screaming deal.
So, Buy Committee (that’s you), scroll down to the comments to share your experiences with your mirrorless camera. Help Corey decide whether he should invest in a Sony camera.
I, for one, think it’s silly to consider anything but a Sony camera when shopping for a mirrorless. They are, quite frankly, the gold standard when it comes to this style of camera.
The Sony a6400 is a little pricey and the cost of lenses can be a big hurdle when considering Sony. Here’s how I’d approach it:
- Wait for Black Friday
- Find a refurbished kit deal
- Sell the kit lenses and pick up a converter
- Steal your wife’s lenses
And start making images.
Of course, we’re looking to help you decide on more purchases. So, if you’re still agonizing over something, email deals@gizmodomedia.com with the subject line “Buy Committee” or tweet us at @ItsTheInventory.