Buy a Jigsaw QR Code for 16% Off and Maybe Become a Millionaire

Or just frame it and explain to your grand children about QR codes.

The One Million Dollar Puzzle | $25 | StackSocial
The One Million Dollar Puzzle | $25 | StackSocial
Graphic: Wes Davis

The One Million Dollar Puzzle | $25 | StackSocial

Okay obviously we’re bored today and we want to tell you about goofy sweepstakes where you have to pay to enter but at least you get something anyway, like this 500-piece jigsaw puzzle of a QR code. Marked down 16% from $30, this puzzle, when complete, produces a QR code you can scan to find out if you won a million bucks! It’s like the world’s slowest scratchy lottery, except you can’t just turn it into the convenience store clerk to have it scanned—you actually have to work for that disappointment! It’s silly, but we’re all stuck at home, jigsaw puzzles are fun almost no matter what, and it would be cool to win a million bucks, right? And even if you don’t win a quick mill...millio? Millie-Bobbie? What’s the cool way to say million when you’ve already typed it too many times? Anyway, if you don’t win the grand price, you’ll still get something, even if it’s only 25 cents.

And before you try it, no, you can’t just scan the main image up there and skirt the system—each puzzle comes with a secret prize code you have to enter to find out if you won. I know this because I tried.