Bring a Childhood Favorite to Game Night With This Updated Version of MASH

There are thousands of possible fortunes to conjure.

MASH Fortune Telling Adult Party Game | $7 | Amazon

Remember playing M.A.S.H. (that stands for mansion, apartment, shack, house if you don’t remember) in school with a simple pen and paper? Well, now there’s an update to it. This Fortune Telling Adult Party Game will be the perfect addition to your collection.

The game from your childhood has been resurrected and is now a killer grown-up version. It’s quick and easy to play. There are thousands of possible fortunes to conjure from as there are 300 Fate Cards in 6 different categories. There are also 40 Scenario Cards making the probability of the same fortune virtually impossible. This allows for hours of play with no repeats. There are dry-erase cards to create your own answers to. You can play with 2 or 4 people so no worries if you’re keeping the clique to a minimum. Toss this new/old favorite into your rotation and enjoy a night of light fun in this heavy world.