Become The Pagemaster With the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite for Just $105

Kindle Paperwhite | $105 | Amazon
Kindle Paperwhite | $105 | Amazon
Photo: Daryl Baxter

Kindle Paperwhite | $105| Amazon

You may have an iPad or another smart-device to use while you’re in bed, trying to fall asleep as you watch YouTube. However, it may be a great New Years resolution to look at buying something that only does one thing, and does it well.

This is where the Kindle Paperwhite comes in, where its backlit 300ppi e-ink display can easily load up a book and get you into a routine in bed, without being distracted by notifications or video.

If you also want to read it in the bath, then that won’t be a problem as its waterproof, all the while on a single charge of six weeks.