iPhone 11 (64GB) | $600 | Back Market | Promo code FLASH
A few weeks ago, our new Associate Editor at The Inventory, Quentyn Kennemer, a self-proclaimed “refurbaphobia,” was turned onto Back Market after reviewing a mint condition iPhone 8 that changed his perspective on refurbished devices forever. Now that same website is selling a refurbed 64GB iPhone 11 in “good” condition for $600 as part of their iPhone 11 flash sale using the promo code FLASH.
Save money while keeping the landfills free of e-waste. As we all know, our planet is in no shape to handle 1-2 million years of decomposing iPhones. While planned obsolescence is a factor to consider when buying refurbed, you don’t have to worry about not getting the latest iOS updates when you’re you snapping up the LATEST iPhone for $100 less.