Ernie Deeb
I like basketball, UX, neon, and synth leads. I ran a gaming blog once.
Now playing

Streets of Rage 2... easily one of the greatest soundtracks of the 16-bit era.

Unless we get some of this going, I'm not interested.

Are we sure there's not some sort of "Tom Chambers from the cornfield" type of propulsion system going on here? This seems a bit unnatural.

I was expecting this

That's it, national emergency! Deploy the battle mimes!

Even in the age of drones and guided missiles, a guy on a horse with a sword charging at you is still terrifying.

Highest jump kick ever?

It's no cosplay, but one last time for shits and giggles, here's my Shepard:

Please turn off your computer and walk into the ocean until you are taken away by crushing darkness. Read more

Build a spaceship and fly yourself directly into the sun, or at least near enough to vaporize. Read more

The camera mechanic (hello selfies!) is awesome. My one gripe is that I wish I could take photos on the move. There are times when batshit crazy is going on around me and I'd love to snap off from the car or back of a bike. Read more