Ernie Deeb
I like basketball, UX, neon, and synth leads. I ran a gaming blog once.

The amount of Call of Duty on that list makes my brain hurt. Read more

The hunter subclass seems lame in comparison, as usual. Bongie, why do you hate hunters? Read more

Aw Tarvis, I’m gonna miss ya buddy. Was Sorokanich behind this poaching? That bum! Read more

This is a more accurate portrayal of Goku at the end of GT:

This was supposed to be where a new hero took over for Goku, but that wasn’t allowed to happen. Coincidentally around the same time DBZ began to decline.

Best design.

I had a very similar experience, two 34 Warlocks and a 33 Titan. We spawned in, popped bubble, and nuked Qodrom with Gjallarhorn’s until detainment trapped us. The party died. The Warlocks waited for the 2 count of the wipe screen, used Fireborn and continued to spam Gjallies. They died again, the last rocket made Read more

Loot should scale based on how many rounds of five your character was present for. Read more

I rolled 8 helm engrams trying to get that thing, no dice. At least I got Eternal Warrior out of it. Two of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Read more

The Krypto New York U-lock is solid as hell. Definitely recommend. The FlexFrame bracket is a piece of junk, though. Read more

I think feminist is the wrong label. It featured a ton of strong female characters — they were characterized as being stronger than most of the men in the world. I wouldn’t call it feminist, it’s just atypical of TV & cinema culture. Read more

Ed Boon just publicly liked your comment on Twitter. Read more

I’ve discovered a lot of girls (especially those on Tinder and the like) have a weird thing against cat owners. Some of the reactions I’ve gotten when mentioning my cat just made me omit him entirely from any early conversations. How could you hate a cat named Stupid that looks like the Terminator?

Cool, the universal English accent that is prevalent in all Assassin’s Creed games finally makes sense. Read more

Can I just mention how awesome it is to see a review a full week early? Good on the devs and publishers for not jerking around with that release day review embargo bullshit. Read more

I really need to play Guacamelee if this is the case. Shadow Complex is the most recent gold standard of Metroidvania gameplay to me. Read more

Soma and Shanoa?