Ernie Deeb
I like basketball, UX, neon, and synth leads. I ran a gaming blog once.

This is possibly the most perfect article ever written. Read more

MKX has the same problem as Injustice, where there’s a few milliseconds of input lag when playing online, even when both players have flawless connections. This renders almost all high-skill combos you practice in training practically useless. I dont think this was ever patched in Injustice, so I don’t expect it to be Read more

I hope not. Scorpion has been the face of the Mortal Kombat series for decades. He still is, but I’m glad to see him take a low key role in the story, as a mentor to some of the younger kombatants, instead of being the flaming spirit of vengeance again. Read more

Ha! Perfectly executed.

Sorry, you are absolutely right. I mistook what occurred in the comics to be the current state of the Shirai Ryu, and completely forgot they made a return in the game’s Story mode. Read more

White Lotus checking in. Hopefully Netherrealm realizes this and balances the Faction War to be determined by player average instead of total contributed score. Read more

The new Shirai Ryu Scorpion founded was destroyed. The only remaining members are himself and Takeda. That’s why he has no faction in the faction war. Read more

I should hope Rain makes an appearance as DLC. He played a more crucial part in the game’s story than some other playable characters. Read more

I haven’t tried Ferra/Torr, as lumbering characters aren’t really my thing. D’vorah is ridiculously good though, and she’s also a major player in the story. Read more

She really prefers to be addressed as Blanche. Read more

I didn’t expect that at all, but you’re so right. I was S-Tier with Kung Lao in MK9, now I have to learn him all over again. And it’s not just the variations, which do play a part in that, but strings have changed, as has timing and connecting moves. I guess NRS wanted to add some excitement even for old pros! Read more

The Krypt feels a lot like Legend of Grimrock, if you remember that game on Steam. It’s really fun and fantastically designed, and encourages exploration. There are already some walkthrus out on the internet that pegs locations of specific items - with those references, it’s really not hard to navigate. But like most Read more

I also came away impressed by Kung Jin and Jacqs. D’vorah is another character you might like, Ev. If you like flashy combos, Thunder God Raiden is a great candidate too. Read more

I visited several years ago (2009-2010) with my then-girlfriend. We ventured in, innocently looking for the seedy scene, without feeling too threatened, or getting ripped off. We explored a few side streets with a local friend, and ended up in dance club, Salsa Copacabana. It was a nice experience. There was a good Read more

Maya had a beautiful view of ZAWARUDO

The last Team Ninja game that I really enjoyed was Other M Read more

I really wish Netherrealm took a page from their past work and made this mobile app a bunch of mini-games with touch friendly control. Kombat Chess, Kombat Karting, puzzle fighting, maybe an endless runner and word scramble game, etc. That would have been far more engaging than this, but it probably wouldn’t be as Read more

Oooh man, I dunno. The head area looks a little clunky. Still looks better than the Affleck costume though. Read more