AUTHOR’S NOTE March 4, 2020: I wrote the original post, but updates were made without my knowledge or approval and I cannot assure Lifehacker readers that the information within is accurate. Read more
AUTHOR’S NOTE March 4, 2020: I wrote the original post, but updates were made without my knowledge or approval and I cannot assure Lifehacker readers that the information within is accurate. Read more
AUTHOR’S NOTE March 4, 2020: I wrote the original post, but updates were made without my knowledge or approval and I cannot assure Lifehacker readers that the information within is accurate. Read more
Instead of throwing the massive only child-style tantrum I would very much like to throw right now because I HATE CHANGE GOD DAMN IT STOP LEAVING ME, PEOPLE (whoops! Tantrum’d!) I have an actually grown-up goodbye for Ana [SOBS] Read more
Instead of throwing the massive only child-style tantrum I would very much like to throw right now because I HATE…
My family would have multiple cats at a time (I mean we all need our ‘own,’ right?) but I have only had 1-2 at a time. I always worried there wouldn’t be enough lap room and one cat would feel left out, but something tells me yours find a way to make it work!! So glad you get to spoil THREE! Read more
My family would have multiple cats at a time (I mean we all need our ‘own,’ right?) but I have only had 1-2 at a…
YOU WIN THE INVENTORY. I got one of those waterfall incense burners recently but this is amaze and needs to exist next to my 3' sitting black panther ceramic statue. Read more
YOU WIN THE INVENTORY. I got one of those waterfall incense burners recently but this is amaze and needs to exist…
you keep your kitties’ wet food in the fridge???? naughty naughty. kitties like room-temp food best. also, you can’t fool me - i recently bought what i thought was a great kitty bed, very much like other beds that my two cats’s been used exactly once. also, has anyone bought one of those wriggling fish toys… Read more
you keep your kitties’ wet food in the fridge???? naughty naughty. kitties like room-temp food best. also, you can’t…
I can’t believe I’m writing on a commercial post. BUT my cats do love this scratcher. They also make one that is taller so that another cat can lay on the part inside. I have one of each. I have to replace them every now & then cause my 5 cats go to town on them. But they are definitely worth the purchase. Read more
I can’t believe I’m writing on a commercial post. BUT my cats do love this scratcher. They also make one that is…
Is it large enough for 2 cats to lie on together? They outgrew their cat tree so only 1 at a time can use it. Looking for a double-wide. Read more
Is it large enough for 2 cats to lie on together? They outgrew their cat tree so only 1 at a time can use it.…
My cat also adores hers. Alas, she has taken to barfing on it. Nothing you can do but cut that section out and flip it over. We’re on the second side of her second lounger now, and I’m not keen to drop another $50 on a third. Read more
My cat also adores hers. Alas, she has taken to barfing on it. Nothing you can do but cut that section out and flip…