Jolie Kerr
Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert, advice columnist and the host of the podcast Ask a Clean Person

None. You know why? Because I let me subscription lapse for this very reason. The New Yorker is relentless. Now I get the digital version and only print out what I want. Read more

I had a friend who worked at this tiny publishing company that was owned by these two really rich guys who didn’t need the company to be profitable or anything; they basically just needed an office to go to so it looked like having a career. She said one of the owners would started each week by rolling in around 11 - Read more

I canceled my subscription and took out my recycling! Read more

Despite that fact that I’m literally covered with human hair, I still find it a little gross when I randomly come across some that’s no longer attached to it’s human. Read more

My mother is like a pull-string doll whose every answer to a panicked cleaning phone call is “Fels-Naptha”. And she’s usually right. That shit’s amazing. Read more

A couple of years ago I was flying into Boston from London and was waiting at the luggage carousel while a beagle in a snazzy navy blue jacket and his handler, a tiny, sweet-faced Chinese-American lady, did the rounds, giving everybody a thorough sniffing. And he was such a good dog, so serious and so professional. Read more

The term “non-hippie” airports implies the existence of “hippie airports.” Please provide a list. Read more

Sounds terrific I’ll go water the crawlspace now Read more

Mushroom tempura:

Take 2 eggs (cold) add 1.5 cups of ice water. Add 2 cups of flour, mix very lightly, as in about 3-4 mixes with a pair of chopsticks. The mixture should be very lumpy. If a couple of spots are still kind of flour-like, don’t mind it.

Heat oil (I use regular vegetable oil with a tablespoon of sesame oil Read more

What if the loved one is your fiance? Does he or she get a say? Or what if “feels strongly” means “would be delighted if it were done” rather than “is refusing to go to the wedding without it happening”? You’re not allowing for nuance here; you’re assuming that a bride who wants to accommodate a family member is a Read more

I can totally see how this might be right for some people, but I take umbrage at the idea that it is right for everyone. There are plenty of people in my family who are really wonderful and lovely, and doing something I don’t particularly care for is worth it because it matters a lot to them. If your family are being Read more

YEAH! It’s never worth it to see if you can come up with an alternate solution that makes your loved ones happy! Instead you can just tell ‘em to go fuck themselves!
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At my wedding we did the bouquet toss. Only people who wanted to participated. Read more