Jolie Kerr
Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert, advice columnist and the host of the podcast Ask a Clean Person

I’m an art restorer who works from home, so I can’t have cat hair in the apartment (the 2 monkeys who live here are problematic enough!) So early this year my partner and I adopted hairless cats—no hair, but OMFG the body ooze! We have to give them a weekly spa treatment that includes: yeast removal from the ears, Read more

I attempted an alternative bouquet toss that was good in theory but didn’t quite turn out as I’d planned. Instead of throwing my actual bouquet I had a bunch of tulips loosely tied together and little quotes and messages about love tied to each flower. I invited all the ladies to come up, not just the single ones, and Read more

We asked all the married couples to come out on the dance floor and then the DJ whittled it down to the couple who was married the longest (40 years for the couple at our wedding) and we gave it to them. I saw it done at wedding years ago, then it went to a couple married for 60 years, and it was really fun. People Read more

Instead of tossing the bouquet, I handed it to my good friend who was getting married a few months after me, and had everyone toast her and her fiancé. She took the ribbon and little jewel pins from my bouquet and had them incorporated into her bouquet, then did the same thing I did, handed her bouquet off to her Read more

Another ‘alternative’ - get 50 $1 scratch off lotto tickets, tie them in a ‘bouquet’ and launch them into the crowd. That way EVERYONE will want in on it. Read more

My friends did a cat toss instead—they threw a stuffed cat into the whole assembled crowd and the person to catch it was supposed to be the next person to get a cat.
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I dedicated my bouquet to the couple who had been married the longest. Which turned out to be my grandparents; 67 years. Read more

I told a friend of mine that when I get married, I want to stick a firework in the bouquet at the end of the night. And just let the flowers explode. Read more

I’ve heard about people giving the bouquet to the oldest person in attendance at the end of the night, as a mark of respect. I actually think I might have read about it on Jezebel - wish I could remember who originally posted about it! I’m thinking of doing it for my wedding. Read more

Witnessed: My gentleman’s cousin did a different take on the bouquet toss at her wedding, and invited basically everyone onto the floor. Her “bouquet” was basically a fistful of silk flowers, and before she tossed it, she wished for everyone present to find or keep a love as sustaining and true as the one she’d found. Read more

Modified bouqet toss? Gather all the little kids under like 10? Maybe force any surly tweens and teens to join too? Nobody over the age of 16-18? Read more

I didn’t expect this kind of response. Thank you for making me cry. ;) Read more

Edit: I spoke too soon. I just needed to visit this page on my phone. Subscribed! Read more

To that one person who reads this and thinks, “hey, I could do that”: run. Run away so hard and so fast. Run away as if your life depends on it, because it actually does. Read more

Before my wedding I read French Women Don’t Get Fat. On the whole, many of the suggestions in the book are good, but she recommends a weekend leek cleanse. So I made up the leeks and leak soup and convinced my husband to do it with me. I made it about 4 hours and ordered Jimmy John’s for lunch, and forgot to tell him Read more

I was on Medifast for eight months—hardcore for about 4 months and then scrabbling for another four—during that time I lost 85 lbs, some of my hair, 25lbs of muscle mass, and several hundreds of dollars (actually thousands) on food. Read more

Thank you for your lovely reply. ^_^ The story has a happy ending and I am on my way to better! I’m just really grateful that people like you are writing about the programs that do their worst. Keep fighting the good fight!

Dyson. We had one and it died. Got another and it died too, so I though. We tried a different brand and it was bad. Bought a new Dyson, the ball version, and it was horrible too. I went back and resurrected the old Dyson and now we are happy again. They suck up anything you throw at it (for better or worse) and are Read more