I made the same decision five years ago at age 60. I fully support Bruce on her journey. May the path she has taken lead her to joy and fulfillment. Read more
20 tablespoons butter (you can mix with regular butter if you want to tinker with the strength)
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Wow. My first mention on Deadspin. I haven’t been this proud of myself since I tried out for Win Ben Stein’s Money. Read more
WTF?!?!? No mention of my Cannabis-Cup winning Hot Wings?!? The other dude mentioned it, but does he have picture proof?!?!
The original post earlier in the week led to me making some butter last night. Thanks to all the posts, I was able to formulate a nice recipe. I used kief only. Put in with a pound of butter in the mini crock out in my garage. Stirred every 20 minutes and cooked for about 5 hours. Strained with cheese cloth, let cool… Read more
This recipe from Ruffhouse is fantastic:
You give me a better alternative to my shaker and I’ll gladly use it :) Read more
And I will add that, because I love Jolie despite the knee-jerk Starbucks hate, I am spending my afternoon avoiding work by washing my mattress pad, sheets, middle blanket, comforter, and pillows. And turning the mattress. I am clean person.
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Sometimes the smell can come from trapped funk-water in the bottom of the mug (especially on your fancier steel versions). Peel back the rubber on the bottom very carefully and you may win/lose the foul-smelling jackpot.
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Hello. What’s up? Not much? Cool. Hey, I officially took over as your new Editor-in-Chief a few weeks ago. I wanted…
I was 20 and he was 22. We got married on Valentines and then had a 9 day honeymoon at Caesars Palace in the Poconos. Since I was basically an adult child, I was obsessed. We had the fancy room (thx dad in law!) with a pool, sauna, champagne glass hot tub, it was INSANE. We went at it like rabbits the whole time. Also… Read more
None. I got my period the morning of the wedding and I have menorrhagia (thankfully just in amount and not length, my period just wants to happen all at once). I was also recovering from a health issue that made it difficult to fly, so our honeymoon was just us driving back to our home state with my mother.
So on our… Read more
Planned on copious amounts of sexytime, got norovirus right after our plane landed. That pretty much sums it up. Read more
We didn’t keep track except for a list of the states we checked off.
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Honeymoon was a tropical paradise resort. Felt no pressure to do anything else but eat, lounge, swim, drink and fuck. Our room had a patio with a little private pool. The patios were private, so we would strip and swim naked. We tried to fuck in the pool one night and were like, “Yeah, water and sex doesn’t work very… Read more
Jolie, I would add an additional step in here:
To the best of my knowledge different cannabinoid compounds “extract” at different temperatures. A crock-pot doesn’t get hot enough to activate the ones at higher temps, but the solution is to “decarb” your weed in the oven by exposing it briefly to higher temps before… Read more
So helpful! I have got to get off the smoke and get into edibles. Give the lungs a Medal of Honor & a nice pension and let the healing begin. This morning, my wife was looking at the iPad and said, “Were you shopping for sous vide cookers last night?” Ridiculous. Read more