Jolie Kerr
Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert, advice columnist and the host of the podcast Ask a Clean Person

Good advice! Just like everything in life, usually the best approach is to listen and maybe try something, but if it's not for you, maybe keep the lesson and move on. Read more

Well I'm off to a good start. Thanks for this. Read more

I'm learning how hard the first year of marriage is now, which makes no sense to me because we've been together for like 10 years. Why is this so different?! Read more

I heartily agree about the first year of marriage sucking—I tell all of my newly married friends that they will argue more in their first year than ever, likely about things they've already argued about. They all swear up and down that I'm wrong and they've figured it out all before marriage because they lived Read more

So much this. 20+ years ago, after a failed marriage I got really smart and/or lucky and I Read more

More important than constant talking is knowing when to shut up. Read more

Do you have a double vanity? If not, would that solve your woes? If yes, detail that issue more thoroughly. Read more

I very firmly believe in my heart that separate bathrooms and invite-only spaces save relationships. I base this off of the fact that one time I had a small tin of body glitter explode all over my boyfriend's bathroom one morning and not only did he sparkle in the sun like a Twilight vampire for the next three weeks, Read more

I don't know about you all, but playing Scrabble with my fiancé every week would be a one-way ticket to a nasty breakup. The only thing that would be worse is Monopoly. Read more

I've been married almost 20 years, didn't live together first, had to find out all the quirks and insane habits (you can't throw anything but bathroom related trash in the bathroom trash can) as they popped up. And so the secret to my happy marriage? 1) Do your laundry separately 2) Don't assume they did it Read more

Guys *tend to* peak younger as far as sex drives, but if you feel like it may be an unusual decline, talk to your doctor and get your testosterone levels tested. It could be a sign of underlying health issues. Everyone functions differently though, so think about what seems normal for you and what youre happy with Read more

Pee stains on the rim of the toilet is something I haven't had to look at or clean for the past four years. I didn't miss it and ewwwwwwwww. Read more

Do you think that you are better than me? Read more

When I had my own bathroom it was NEVER as disgusting as it gets now. And the thing is, my husband is typically the neater/cleaner one of us... so why on earth does he not clean the toilet more often when he is the one who befouls it?! I can't complain though. He walks the dogs while I am in bed, under my own very Read more

In seventh grade I used to wear a pair of cargo pants that you could zip off at the knees and transform into cargo shorts. Read more

"Farting contests. Lots of sex. Constant, constant, constant talking." Hopefully not all at the same time. Read more