Jolie Kerr
Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert, advice columnist and the host of the podcast Ask a Clean Person

Julia Allison's marriage to herself has taken place, and with it comes details of the ceremony: Allison writes on Facebook that she "greatly appreciated the naked man who looked like Jesus dancing like a crazy person to 'Don't Stop Believing' played at the reception. It was an 'Only at Burning Man' moment." She also Read more


it is astonishing how early ball sack stench starts. I have two sons young enough for me still to be overseeing their bathing. God. Bleh. How can it get so funky? I'm going to try the Bert's Bees powder, thank you. Read more

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I have a friend who wiped his ass with Clorox wipes one time because he was out of wet wipes. Apparently because they are both "wipes" he assumed they were interchangeable. He said that it burned and I was like duh, you basically just bleached your ass. Anyways, unlike the old man emailer, I'd advise against using Read more

A bleach bath for the boys? Yeah...I'm going to have to stand on "NO". I live in the south and spend a fair amount of time outdoors when the heat and humidity are just ridiculous to live with. Swamp ass is quite prevalent. However, I've found that wearing the right pair of underwear will aleviate a big problem with Read more

I find that more ball hair keeps things dryer. The springy hair creates a layer of air between my scrotum and underwear, helping to keep things dry. When there is no hair there, I noticed more clammy-ness. Cheers. Read more


My thought process every time: "Hey, guess I'm one of the lucky ones, because just a bit of soap and water and Gold Bond does the trick just fine for me ... OR DOES IT? Maybe I'm not the person who should be judging this situation. Maybe I need to ask my —- wait! No! Maybe I need to ask Jolie why we're talking about Read more

Thanks! Both for the bump and the clarification about antibacterial soaps.

Personal anecdote: I used to be a competitive swimmer. Yeast infections and other "down-there" issues are common among people who spend a lot of time in chlorinated water, because of the effect it has on genital flora. I can't imagine that Read more

I'm not sure if this will make it out of the greys, but it's worth mentioning that bleach and strong anti-bacterial chemicals could potentially have a negative effect on your skin flora, which in turn could contribute to bad smells or even yeast infections. Most experts discourage the use of strong antibacterial soaps Read more

Considering the use of Goldbond, but I feel as though the question needs to be asked: During certain oral activities, does the residue of the powder cause any issues for the mouth that is being applied locally? I'm obviously talking about beat boxing. Read more

Damn it Dad, stop embarrassing me on Deadspin. I told you to stop sending questions. Read more

I was about to go have lunch, but am now thinking of starving myself to death. Read more

Calling bullshit on Gold Bond. It is awful terrible stuff. Do not ever, under any circumstances, put Gold Bond on your balls after you have showered. Read more

Funny. But, this was a missed golden opportunity to have a poll asking people about their ball and anus washing preferences. Nothing scientific about it, but very amusing. Read more