Jolie Kerr
Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert, advice columnist and the host of the podcast Ask a Clean Person

Right? The only people I know who wear Sperry's are WASPs from CT who think vacationing in Newport or Hyannis is classy while not noticing that the actual residents of those towns live in poverty. Read more

if a New Englander is wearing Sperry's then said person is a Yaaaaht basic and not a Boston Basic Read more

You are entirely accurate, because New Hampshire is Winterfell and populated entirely by Starks. Read more

LOL That is the main thing that stood out to me too. Like who doesn't know Massachusetts is New England? Read more

I found most of these descriptions to not actually be basic descriptors so while I was pausing quite a bit throughout the article, there was an long pause for Mid-Atlantic. Read more

I'd also like to point out that if a New Englander is wearing Sperry's then said person is a Yaaaaht basic and not a Boston Basic. Boston Basics would wear running sneakers with their Red Sox attire. They never need to have a reason to kill Giselle either. They just hate her because. Read more

yep, their football team is the fucking NEW ENGLAND Patriots Read more

I really do find this article entertaining, but Boston is hardly the Mid-Atlantic. I'm sorry I'm so persnickety, but I just stopped myself from correcting a co-worker I dislike who claimed that Jordan is in North Africa (then went on to talk about how she LOVES international relations, whatever the fuck that means), Read more

That is pretty much the most informational thing that has ever followed someone writing "I'm not a XXX, so I may be wrong" Read more

I'm not a Muslim, so I may be wrong, but I would imagine you would bring up the issue to an imam, who would apply fiqh, or jurisprudence, to the sharia, and would then issue a fatwa which would inform practice of the ritual of Ramadan. Read more

You're a treasure to this great country. Read more

Is throwing it away in shame after the first use the same as cleaning? Read more

Gonzo Odor Eliminator has fixed many a stinky closet, car, and blanket chest for me. It's a mesh bag filled with little white pumice stones. It takes about 10 days to clear the smell, but it works amazingly well. But beware of the grit that filters out (it's super abrasive). Read more