Jolie Kerr
Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert, advice columnist and the host of the podcast Ask a Clean Person

I like them better than loofahs or sponges or anything like that. Washcloths are actually launder-able, and they are capable of fully drying out—I feel like puffs and the like just kind of sit there in the shower . . . moistly gathering mildew and grossness. Also, a hot washcloth on the forehead when you have a Read more

Jolie, it's like you live in my freaking brain. I had almost this exact same conversation with my boyfriend about what entails a proper bathroom. Cosigned to all of this. Read more

Oh I get it. He drinks grapefruit juice but also hits like huge home runs, which are like grapefruit pitches to him. LOL. Nice work. Read more

Too lazy to scan my blog and Twitter for pictures, but I have a combination of clear plastic Command baskets and wire/mesh baskets from office supply stores that I screwed onto the wall (harder than I thought it would be, that task!) - that's where I keep all the spices and dried herbs that I would classify as savory. Read more

By way of clarifying, that's the George W. Bush administration. My mom's 1989-issue cool-touch fryer is still in her kitchen, but mine's from 2005—-a wedding present that I insisted on keeping in the divorce. Read more

This couldn't have been posted at a better time because, to my horror, when pulling out my wax warmer pot (for hair removal), there's now a large blob of hard, sticky wax on the floor of the bathroom cabinet. I guess I may have tossed the pot back into the cabinet and it tipped over, resulting in the wax leaking Read more

I had three of these drawers filled with junk. THREE. I just cleaned them out and it was insane. I find them an odd shape for anything else kitchen related, though, and they are already filling up with broken sunglasses and watch bands and whatever else my husband feels like he will fix in the future (but never will). Read more

I've been reading Ask A Clean Person for a little over a year, and it's really helped me in my recovery from slobaholism. Read more

I haven't read Jolie's entire article yet but in case she didn't mention it, check with you local animal rescues...a lot of them ask for clean, used towels so you could donate your old towels instead of throwing them away :-) Read more

It was linked in the article- the author recommended wetting some dryer sheets and using those to scrub the glass. I was skeptical but gave it a shot earlier today and hot damn, I think Jolie Kerr might be a wizard because it worked like a charm. And smelled really nice. Read more

Purging the linen closet is one of my favorite favorite tasks. I do it about once a year I think? Maybe? I feel like I did it fairly recently, but it definitely blows right now. I think I'm going to have a ladyfriend over for wine and linen closet purging. Now if only the TV fit into the bathroom... Read more

I just remodeled my bathroom when my roommate moved out and took her terrible "barn" decorations, I nearly cried tears of joy. It was an ALL day process cleaning, organizing but in the end definitely worth it. Now it looks like a grown up's bathroom! :) Read more

I have two teenage boys who have taken over the main bathroom. I find firebombing the bathroom monthly is the best way to improve the stench. Read more

This just illustrates cats' attitude toward just about everything.