Nothing wrong with being a witch.
Nothing wrong with being a witch. wrote an article about newly released photographs from the scene of Kurt Cobain's suicide. This is how that…
One thing that I stumbled upon years ago has made keeping my fridge cleaner longer. When something spoils (in a container you'd like to keep) and you can't stand the smell (I have a really big gag reflex), put in the freezer. Once it's frozen, soak the container in hot water for a few minutes and the frozen spoiled… Read more
Jay Cutler's wife, Kristin Cavallari, was a recent guest on the Fox News program The Independents. During the…
Being out is a very personal decision; one has a right to not be forced to publicly reveal such a private part of oneself. Furthermore, somebody being transgendered is not "an important thing for other people to know," in fact, it's not anybody's goddamn business. Except when, as you so aptly noted, it relates to… Read more
I got the same spiel from the guy who does all the leather work on our cars after an unfortunate back-seat crafting incident. The can of WD-40 that lives in my trunk and a big bottle of leather conditioner from the local tack shop saved me approximately $215. Read more
Rubbing alcohol is a damn miracle. Our son scribbled all over the arm of our couch with a ball point pen. Luckily, the combination of microfiber, internet access, and rubbing alcohol saved ourselves the need to recover said couch. I should say, on microfiber you can scrub the marks pretty vigorously. That's theraputic… Read more
As a fellow writer, my gut instinct is to be like "NOOO it's a good thing she didn't, keep your niche!" Read more
Jolie Kerr, you truly do God's work. Bless you. Read more
Please rank Gawker writers in terms of Most to Least likely to win a bracketed no holds barred, any weapon to be found around the office, *Death match. Jolie wins by bleaching everyone's coffee right? Read more
I think writing all the Foodspin is getting to you Jolie. Burneko's curse words are slipping into your typing. Read more
Because a guy doesn't need a tool to help him do what he needs to do. But a woman is safer using a vibrator, because with prolonged exposure to her acidic cloaca secretions, her fingers run the risk of irritation, necrosis, even death. Read more
Because bears are great and Tom is smart. Read more
The following is excerpted from Showtime: Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the Los Angeles Lakers Dynasty of the 1980s,…