Jolie Kerr
Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert, advice columnist and the host of the podcast Ask a Clean Person

No idea what's wrong with these belligerent anti-bed-making folks, but LAMOB is not stupid, it's great. I did it last go round (though not religiously) and since then have shot to make it my new normal. It takes 5 seconds and makes your whole quality of life better. Read more

PROTIP FOR FELLOW SMELLY BEDDERS: stick in one of those little cloth sachets of dried flowers petals/lavender/whatever that you're supposed to put in underwear drawers/linen closets/gym bags under your duvet and forget about it. Read more

I also vacuum the mattress to keep dust mites down, and flip it once a month. Pillows I throw in the freezer for 8-10 hours, that kills all the little monsters. I'm a bed maker only because I like the nice fresh feel of getting into a made bed in the evening instead of a rumpled mess. Read more

This is my jam. I love a made bed. I usually make ours while my husband showers in the morning. If he sleeps in, he never makes the bed, so I figured it wasn't important to him. Then one morning he came out of the shower and told me he loves it when I make the bed in the morning. It makes him happy. Reason enough for Read more

I can't sleep in a bed that hasn't been made. It feels lumpy and itchy and like it's still full of last night's sleep and dreams. Read more

Really, people! Making your bed every day is just not that hard. And for those of you who say it's only going to get mussed up again that night, well then why do you bother to:
Brush your teeth
Launder your clothes
Wash the dishes
Vacuum, etc. Read more

I mean this as a compliment: That is the brilliantly lazy thing I've ever heard. Read more

huh. I should give sewing tips. My mother was an excellent seamstress and taught me. Read more

Whoa, you wash sheets MORE than once a week? And you wash bedding more than once a month? You are a very clean person. I thought I was great for washing sheets once a week, and bedding twice a season, but clearly not. That's a lot of work for a lazy person, so kudos to you! Read more

Grew up in a house where making the bed was just "how things work." No questions or demands. Not bragging on myself. My mother was just the type of woman who grew up a certain way and, by example, taught me the benefits of the bed as sanctuary. Read more

Here's what i do as a lazy person with mild-OCD-like neatness tendencies: Read more

I just started making my bed, and my husband and I get up pretty early (though not as early as you)- I usually make it in the afternoon, when I get home, so I feel like I accomplished a house-cleaning task, which starts a positive cycle some days ("AND I will put my dirty clothes in the laundry basket!"). Besides, it Read more

"Destroying a fragile ecosystem" will now be my new excuse for not making my bed, if you don't object. Read more

When I put fresh sheets on my bed I spritz a wee bit of perfume on them...does anybody else do this? Read more

I gotta make the bed because I am a mother. But I am a very clean person who is also a very lazy person, so I have to confess I didn't use to make my bed before kids... I do change the sheets a couple times a week, and wash blankets and comforters a couple times a month, though. Read more

When i was a kid i hated making my bed so i slept on top of the covers. (whisper—sometimes i still do!)
i have a bad neck and have spent a fortune trying to find the right pillow, to no avail. Guess what works? Stuffed animals, esp ones like teddy bears with big heads. Their neck area is a soft fuzzy scoop that Read more

Wait, there are people who don't make their beds every day? I live in a studio. It makes such a huge difference in the overall look and feel of my apartment when my bed is made. The rest of the place can be pretty messy but with the bed made it still feels (somewhat) put together. Read more

*looks over at the nest of blankets, sheets, pillows, books and stuffed animals on her bed* Read more