Update 10/9/17: Satechi, maker of some of the best-looking Mac-friendly desk accessories around, has released a similar, subjectively better looking, similarly-priced stand.
To put it simply, while the iQunix below is very much too pieces of metal held together by a screw, the Satechi feels like a single unit built to expand and contract. Anyway, you know you want it in black.
The market is littered with beautiful, minimal laptop stands from accessory design shops, but no matter how much you love yours, there’s no guarantee that your next laptop will fit properly. That’s where the iQunix Edin comes in.
At first blush, the Eden looks like any other aluminum, Apple-centric laptop stand. But its secret is a knob that adjusts the dock’s width, meaning no matter what laptop you happen to own at the moment (as long as it’s between 0.4 and 1.18 inches thick), it’ll fit like a glove.