The Limited Edition Forza Xbox Controller Is Available for $69

This controller is decked out with a transparent yellow casing with a pink and blue paint splatter effect.

 Forza Horizon 5 Limited Edition Xbox Controller | $69 | Walmart, Amazon
Forza Horizon 5 Limited Edition Xbox Controller | $75 | Best Buy
Forza Horizon 5 Limited Edition Xbox Controller | $69 | Walmart, Amazon
Forza Horizon 5 Limited Edition Xbox Controller | $75 | Best Buy

Forza Horizon 5 Limited Edition Xbox Controller | $69 | Walmart, Amazon
Forza Horizon 5 Limited Edition Xbox Controller | $75 | Best Buy

This design looks like someone threw up cotton candy on their controller. With that said, I don’t hate it. I’m just not sure what exactly is Forza about this other than the barely visible logo to the side. At the same time though, I definitely don’t need a controller with a picture of a car on it. At the end of the day, this thing is rad as hell. Give me more crazy designs like this, Microsoft. The price point however is $10 more than the other first-party Xbox controllers retail for. I’m guessing it’s either to offset an extra step in the manufacturing process to get the paint splatter effect or it’s because Microsoft knows that I’ll still buy this at $69 anyway.

This story was originally published by Joe Tilleli on 08/26/2021 and updated with new information on 01/11/2022.