ThermoWorks Thermapen Mk4 (Various) | $80 | ThermoWorks
Final Day! Summer barbecue season is inching closer and closer, so it might be time to invest in a truly great meat thermometer, and you can score a rare 20% discount on one of the the best one today.
Our readers love the Thermapen because it displays the temperature in 2 - 3 seconds, has a 3,000 hour battery, is waterproof, and is accurate to within 0.7°F.
Here are just a few readers gushing over it:
Thermapen Classic (or really any of the Thermapens). Bar none the best thermometer for cooking I have ever bought — accept no substitutes.
Somewhat expensive at ~$70-$120 range, but I’ve been using mine for years and years, and it still gives me an accurate reading in less than three seconds. Well, well worth the price. Especially excellent for the grill. - theburners
Without a doubt. No other thermometer comes close. I’ve said it before on Kinja that the Thermapen is the best piece of kitchen equipment I’ve ever bought. - the-return-of-samba00
This model is actually the newer Mk 4., which unlike the Thermapen classic includes a backlit screen, better waterproofing, better battery, and a motion sensor that automatically puts it to sleep and wakes it up.