Manscape Your Back With This $12 Shaver

I’m just going to kick off this post by sharing this product’s Amazon description.


No problem. Guys feel confident shirtless after using OXA Back Shaver. So, if you have “patchy” or “spotty” patches of hair on your back or body or if you are so hairy that you are often mistaken for being a “hairy ape” there is no job too great for the OXA Back Shaver.

I don’t think back hair is why most men feel uncomfortable shirtless, but I digress.

This product looks very similar to the BaKlade, which we’ve written about before. It doesn’t have many reviews to go off of, but it’s 1/3 the price of the name brand with promo code SEWUJQ32, so it might be worth checking out if you’re a HAIRY APE.