Zack Snyder's Justice League Trilogy 4K Blu-ray Set is Now Only $70

Man of Steel, Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition, and Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trilogy [4K Blu-ray] | $70 | Amazon

This super hero trilogy comes with 4K Blu-ray Man of Steel, Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition, and Zack Snyder’s Justice League (yes that’s the Snyder Cut). I can’t get over the full title for Batman v Superman still. Was Dawn of Justice really necessary? We knew a Justice League movie would be coming out and there weren’t any full feature movies titled “Batman v Superman” before. And now with Ultimate Edition slapped on it, it sounds like a dang mobile game. Anyway this trilogy set also comes with brilliantly desaturated posters of each of our heroes as well as several illustrated posters. You can now get it for $15 less than what it was going for last week when it released.

This story was originally published by Joe Tilleli on 06/30/2021 and updated with new information on 09/14/2021.